The Looping Oil Yoyo Lube is a kind of yoyo lube, designed for all looping yoyos to make it looping / responsive again! This is the oil from Duncan that comes in a bag and it will can fix looping yoyos from not only duncan, but also other companies' looping yoyos too. It's a affordable lube/oil you need to repair your 2A / Looping yoyo!
The Duncan Looping Oil Yoyo Lube is the perfect yoyo lube/oil to make your looping and 2A yoyos loop and work again like new (straight from the packaging). You should get this if you're looking forward to get the perfect oil for your looping/responsive yoyo in the market.
Duncan Looping Oil Yoyo Lube
Only 2 left in stock
- Works for 2A / Looping Yo-Yos
- Repair your looping yoyo like NEW today!