N.B This yoyo is completely non-responsive and can only be returned with a binding trick.
The Freehand Nextgen Yoyo from Duncan is a Advanced yoyo who can do any 5A Tricks with the special Size C bearing and the wide shape for easy tricks, This yoyo is a masterpiece. However this yoyo is not for Beginners but still. You can swap the Size C bearing with a included Size A bearing for responsive tricks and it's Now Avaliable in Three Colors: Orange/Blue, Clear or Green and coming soon: Red/Blue.
- EXPERT LEVEL UNRESPONSIVE YO-YO: This is one of Duncan's expert / professional level yo-yo models. The yo-yo is unresponsive, making it ideal for more advanced finger spin and bind tricks.
- SMART DESIGN: The Freehand NextGen yo-yo features a flared shape, licensed concave bearing and 19mm silicone SG response pad. The SG response system increases friction for executing high performance yo-yo tricks.
- COUNTERWEIGHT INCLUDED: This yo-yo includes a standard counterweight to start your Freehand Yo-Yoing journey in traditional style.
- DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: The Freehand NextGen yo-yo is made from a durable, high-impact plastic material with a sturdy string for long-lasting performance.
- SPECIFICATIONS: Color: Clear | Standard Counterweight Included | Weight: 63.0 | Width: 40.46 mm | Diameter: 57.947 mm
YoYo Diameter | 58.01 mm |
YoYo Width | 40.32 mm |
YoYo Weight | 61.6 grams |
YoYo Material | Plastic |
YoYo Bearing | Size C |
YoYo Response | 19mm Slim Pad Size |
Duncan Freehand NextGen Yo-Yo